Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Little Discouraged

Kenny has been doing awesome since he got out of the VA last Wednesday. A couple of mornings, it has been difficult to wake him up, but he has not been hateful or mean about it. But this morning I had to go sit with my Dad for a couple of hours. I tried to wake Kenny up nicely for a couple of hours, but then finally got to the point where I had to walk out the door. Kenny had told me the night before that he wanted up when I got up. So finally I went in there, and in a louder (but not yelling) more stern voice I told him to get up I didn't have time to do this and I had to leave, Ashley was already awake and he needed to get up and take care of her. He opened his eyes and then drifted right back asleep. So I said it again, more forceful this time. Well, that got him out of bed, but he was aggitated at me. Say shit like yes master. I tried to explain to him that I could not be late, Grandma had to leave and I had to be at Dad's in 10 minutes, but he just continued to be a smart ass. So I let it go and told him again that Ashley was awake and needed her milk and her diaper changed. He was sitting on the couch and said ok I will take care of it. I got to my Dad's house and after about 15 minutes tried to call Kenny twice, but he did not answer. I had left at 9:45 am and got back home at 12:45pm. Kenny was laying on the couch asleep. Ashley was wide awake in her crib. I was pretty aggitated because her diaper was soaked and because Kenny had just laid there and went back to sleep Ashley was the one that had to sit in piss for 3 hours. It took me another hour to get Kenny awake. At which point I asked him to please make her milk for her. I didn't think it was very fair that I had gotten up at 8:30 and taken care of Dad, then had to come home and change Ash's diaper and all the while Kenny was sleeping. I was extremely tired to but there are things to be done. Once Kenny was awake, he did give Ashely her milk, but then just set there under the blanket. I asked him if he would mind putting some clothes on and giving me the blanket because I was still cold even though I was fulling clothed and had my winter jacket on. For me to be warm, I would have to turn the furnace up to 75. So we have worked out a compromise of Kenny usually being dressed and me just covering up, that way he isn't sweating and I'm not freezing. When I asked Kenny for the blanket, he set there and acted like I hadn't said anything, I repeated it and again he ignored me. So I asked him why he was ignoring me, and he ranted about always doing things my way and he would go get dress so I could have the blanket because what I wanted was all that mattered. I asked what was wrong with him and he still ignored me. I told him that he was past due for him medicine and he needed to take it. He ignored me again. This upset me and I said "So I guess the new Kenny only lasted a week right?"He turned around and looked at me and said "You're really trying to push me aren't you?" I told him no that was just how I felt, all he was doing was going right back to how he was, he was mad at me I was (nagging) trying to wake him up like he told me to do, getting mad because I asked for the blanket so I didn't have to turn the furnace up (and make him sweat), and pointing out that he needed to take his medicine (which he has told me to keep track of and make sure that he takes it, and even calls me into the room to watch him take it.)So how the hell else was I suppose to feel about that? I stomped off and got in the shower, and I sat down to blog about it. He is out now and hopefully has realized that I am not out to piss him off.

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